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Respondents who reported that their arthritis was not current were asked no further questions in this module. Those who reported that they currently had either gout or rheumatism were asked:
Those who reported only gout or rheumatism were asked no further questions in this module. Respondents who identified a current arthritis condition, other than gout or rheumatism, were asked:
Respondents whose arthritis was not diagnosed were asked no further questions in this module. Respondents with current and diagnosed arthritis were also asked whether they had taken any of the following actions for their condition in the last 2 weeks (shown on a prompt card):
More than one response was allowed. Respondents who identified their gout, rheumatism or arthritis conditions as not current or long-term did not have their condition retained in the survey as they did not have the appropriate criteria of either being diagnosed (as it was not asked) or being a long-term condition (which is the only retained group for non-diagnosed conditions). Respondents who reported having current and diagnosed arthritis were then sequenced to the Actions module in which they were asked questions about consultations with health professionals, use of medical facilities and time away from study/school or work, in relation to, or as a result of, their arthritis. Respondents were asked in a later module about all medications and health supplements they were taking, but not in relation to any specific condition. Data items The questionnaire, data items and related output categories for this topic are available in Excel spreadsheet format from the Downloads page of this product. Interpretation Points to be considered in interpreting this topic include.
Comparability with 2011-12 Estimates of the number of people with arthritis are considered directly comparable between the 2011-12 and 2014-15 NHS. During processing of 2014-15 NHS data, an issue with coding of 'Gout' and 'Rheumatism' in the 2007-08 and 2011-12 NHS was identified in which some people who reported having these conditions were erroneously allocated a status of 'current and long-term', resulting in over-estimation of prevalence in 2007-08 and 2011-12. In 2007-08 'Gout' was over-reported by approximately 800,000 people and 'Rheumatism' by approximately 290,000 persons, while in 2011-12 'Gout' was over-reported by approximately 280,000 people and 'Rheumatism' by approximately 145,000 people. Data for 2007-08 and 2011-12 for these two conditions are not comparable to other years. ABS conducted investigations to address this issue and have attached i-notes to various publications with revisions. Data for 2014-15 have been correctly coded. Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.